1950's Filmstrip About Breastfeeding | DOUBLE LECHE | Ep 1 | MomCave TV | Parody

2014-04-01 24

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"Awkward and Funny Moments in Breastfeeding"

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Double Leche is a sketch comedy format web series for moms about the awkward and funny things that happen while breastfeeding in public aka nursing in public aka nip. (Yup, that's a real acronym!)

Official Selection Independent Film & TV Fest, First Glance Philadelphia Film Fest

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Developed through the International Academy of Web TV Writers Group in New York City.

Directed by J. Sibley Law
Written by and Starring Jennifer Weedon
Stephanie Scott
Valisa Tate
Ashely Wren Collins
Michael Nixon

Makeup Jaclyn Schaefer
Art Direction Valisa Tate
Crew Christian Stephan, Michael Nixon

Filmed on location at YouTube Next Lab in NYC.